Old English Creations

Crochet Your Calm and Create with Joy


by Alison Stapleton

Many crochet projects use pattern and color to add to the beauty of the item

Crochet excels at being flexible and there are so many patterns and color ways to choose from it can become overwhelming at times.

Knowing when to use either pattern or color is important to the aesthetic integrity of your item.

It is not usual to mix pattern and color changes together in the same garment.

When to use pattern stitches

imagesUse a pattern stitch with a yarn that is a plain solid color.

Use a pattern stitch for a garment that is one color all over.

Do not use pattern with a variegated yarn and do not use pattern with multiple colors as you can’t see the beauty of the pattern in amongst the color changes.

  • An example of pattern over color is this intricate white square.

When to use color combinations

IMG_1855Color is best used on plain stitch items where the stitches are all the same and the color changes and combinations add to the beauty of the item.

  • An example of color over pattern stitches is the granny square.

By spending some time choosing your color and patterns wisely you can vastly improve your handcrafted crocheted items.