Old English Creations

Crochet Your Calm and Create with Joy


5 Steps to Your Prosperous Crochet Business

Author: Alison Heathcote   –   Published: February 2013   –   Revised: January 2024

5 Steps

These are five of the most important steps you can take to begin your prosperous crochet business. As you transition from being a hobbyist crocheter, and you are on the road towards having a prosperous crochet business, your approach to your craft and money will change. 

The day you sell your first hand crafted item to a stranger (not your Mom or Granny) that is the day you become a micro business ownerHere are the five steps that will guide you towards building your prosperous crochet business.


Step 1. Make your First Sale

The first step is the hardest and that is to make your first sale. Whether it is your first pair of baby booties or your first scarf, the important things is to make the sale and to be in business. Sell your first item. Make your first sale. Take the cash and bank it.

Do not buy wine or new shoes to “celebrate” your first sale. The money that comes in from your first sale goes into the business and can be used for more supplies (wool and hooks), or it goes towards the purchase of stationery for your business cards, website support, or sheets of tissue to keep your garments clean.


Step 2. Know Who is Your Dream Customer

Know who your customer is. Is he or she in your neighborhood or nationwide? If you are offering goods that you ship, you have to approach your sales to a broader audience.

If you are making baby goods pitch that way, if you are doing women’s accessories like scarves and hats pitch that way.

You are not selling crochet but dreams. You are selling possibilities of how good someone will look after they have worn your items.

You are selling hope for your customer to feed a need in them to look good, tren
dy or sexy. You are not selling crochet.


Step 3. Own Your Niche

Your niche is the little spot where your goods lie in the general crochet market.

There are people making all sorts of crochet items but you will make one type of items and become the best there is in that area. This is your niche, a slim section of the broader market.

If you can crochet to a quality level that you can sell, and by that I mean it is good work technically, with a steady tension, and quality yarns, and your finishing is excellent with no hanging threads or knots, then that is quality crochet.

You may make amigurumi and this is your niche. You may craft hats and this is your niche. Your niche does not have to be a particular item although it often is. Your niche can be that you work in Irish crochet or using only fingerling. So the item is not the niche but the yarn or technique is your niche.


Step 4. Love Your Art

Crocheting is art. You have to love what you are doing. Some women will only crochet with top quality yarns because they believe “life is too short to use cheap wool.” Maybe so, but you have to love what you make. You have to love the texture, the color, the way the item drapes and the end result. As you make each hat or bag you are putting something of yourself into each piece. You have to love it. This makes a difference to the finished item. Believe me.

People shop on emotional impulses. They purchase things that speak to them either by the colour, texture or the item evokes a feeling of nostalgia and reminds them of what their granny used to give them years ago. Whatever the reason you have a better chance of selling goods that you craft if you love them from start to finish.

If you imbue love into your products the person who buys it will love it too, in fact you want her to love it and then want it.

Shopping is an emotional investment not just a cash exchange. Know that your potential customers have to fall in love with your hats or scarves before they will hand over the cash. In this way they feel better about buying from you and they don’t feel bad about the purchase when they get home.

Only make things you love and with yarns you love in colors and textures you love and others will love them too.

If you love your work you can talk about it and sell with passion and pride, and it becomes easier to sell. You have to believe that it is your best work and know you are being true to you art. Love your art.


Step 5. Be Generous of Spirit

You could spend one whole day making a hat and sell it for $10. So the hourly rate is weak at about $1 per hour. But that is not the point. Ignore the hourly rate and focus on the craft. If you buy your wool all at once and have a decent stash of good yarns you can plan your production of hats.

Every $10 you make has to go somewhere. Some goes back into the business to buy more supplies, some goes to tax (yes it does), some will come to you as your ‘pay’ and some can go to your giving program.

Your giving program is simply the plan you have to give to others. Those of us lucky enough to earn money can give something back to those less fortunate. It does not have to be much perhaps 10c on your $10 but it is important to be generous of spirit.

I give a percentage of my profits to local charities. I don’t do this every day or every week but towards December I have a sum that I give to people and causes I like to support to help them over their year end.

You need to have a giving plan otherwise you could be giving too much away if someone catches you for a donation in the shopping center car park. You may think you can afford to give $5 because yesterday you sold two hats but this will be an emotional give (and we all do it me perhaps more than most) not a planned give. Make a plan to be generous of spirit.

All businesses and big businesses do give to others. Look at the big companies and you can see their giving donations and the types of places they choose to support. You can’t help everyone so choose a sector in your community that appeals to you and make a giving plan that suits your income and your interest.


These are the first 5 steps to a prosperous crochet business. They can be used for any micro-business start-up. People all over the world have little businesses going on in their basements and backyards making things that they love and sharing their art with the world, and you can too.


Author Bio

Alison Heathcote is a passionate crochet enthusiast and dedicated business blogger. She combines her love for crafting and entrepreneurship to inspire and connect with others.

With a knack for transforming yarn into beautiful creations and a flair for sharing valuable insights about running a successful crochet business, Alison embodies the perfect blend of creativity and practicality.

Read more about Alison’s crochet journey.

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Craft Business Card Design for your Micro-business

Crochet Business Cards


Lately, I’ve been immersing myself in the creative process of designing my new set of business cards.

For an aspiring artist and crochet enthusiast like me, these little cards are more than just a means of sharing contact information; they’re a canvas for inspiration and a reflection of my craft.


Simple Design

When it comes to crochet business cards, my aim is clear: to keep the design simple and uphold good design practices.

Simplicity is key because it echoes the elegance and minimalism found in crochet itself.

The act of crocheting is an art form that relies on simple, repetitive stitches to create intricate and beautiful patterns.

In the same vein, my business cards will be a testament to the beauty of simplicity.

These business cards are more than a formality; they’re an extension of my passion and a means to connect with fellow artists and enthusiasts.

They will carry a piece of me, my love for color, and the simplicity that makes crochet such a captivating art form.

Meditative Art

The design process itself is a meditative art, much like crocheting.

It’s a journey of trial and error, of experimenting with different combinations until I find the one that resonates with my vision.

Much like crafting a crochet piece, it’s about patience, attention to detail, and a genuine love for the process.


Incorporating good design practices is not just a formality; it’s a way to ensure that my cards convey the essence of my craft effectively.

Here’s how I plan to do it:

Color Palette

As a lover of color, I understand that the right colors can evoke emotion and capture attention.

I’ll choose a color palette that resonates with my artistic style, possibly drawing inspiration from the vibrant shades of yarn in my crochet projects.



The choice of fonts can make a significant difference.

I’ll select fonts that are not only legible but also harmonize with the overall design.

This way, my cards will be a visual extension of my crochet artistry.


Texture and Finish

Texture can play a vital role in making the cards memorable. I

might explore options like textured paper or finishes that mimic the feel of crochet stitches.

These tactile elements can add an extra layer of depth to the design.


Information Layout

While the front of the card will feature the creative design elements, the back will be organized with essential contact information.

This balance ensures that the cards remain functional while showcasing my artistic flair.

Brand Fonts

I love the Helvetica neue font so that’s my choice.

It can be bold or super thin and always looks fresh.

Brand Color

My only colours are red for the rose and black. Choosing only two colours keeps the printing costs down.

White Space

Having “white space”  (the gaps between the logo and the words) makes it easy to read.

The four elements in my new business card are:

  • Logo top centre
  • My name in capitals in the middle
  • My website address
  • My tagline

These four elements are really all that is needed.


What Not To Have

Phone Number

You don’t need a phone number no one phones anymore, and if they want to contact me they can Tweet or email from the information on the website contact page.

I’ve had experience in other online business where people call me on the phone at 6am on a Sunday, like they were my friend, but I’ve never met them.

Be wary of too much information. If I do give my card to a customer I may handwrite my phone number on the back if they insist.

First Draft

So it will look like this:





Creative Crochet Design



Just as a signature crochet piece might feature a unique motif or pattern, my business cards will incorporate a logo or symbol that represents my brand.

This symbol will be a visual anchor, instantly connecting my cards to my crochet identity.


The Red rose of Lancashire

I got the logo I am using sorted out earlier in the month, it is the red rose of Lancashire.

There is a story behind this choice as well all about how I chose the name Old English Creations way back.

Lancashire in Merry Olde England is my home county, and some days I feel old as well.


Lancashire rose

I am creative every day of my life and I wake-up in the morning with ideas and inspiration for crochet patterns, writing projects or craft, gardening or cooking recipes I plan to make.


Keeping in mind the environment and my commitment to mindful living, I’ll explore eco-friendly printing options for my cards.

Sustainability is a part of my ethos, and it will be reflected in my choice of materials.

Going Forward

So, as I continue to shape the design of my crochet business cards, I do it with the same care and dedication I put into every crochet project.

They’re a testament to the artistic journey I’ve embarked on, and I’m excited to see how they will represent my craft and connect me with a world of fellow creatives.

Thanks for reading and please join our mailing list (below) so you can get all the good things on Old English Creations straight in your inbox.



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Author Bio

Alison Heathcote, a passionate crochet enthusiast and dedicated business blogger, combines her love for crafting and entrepreneurship to inspire and connect with others.

With a knack for transforming yarn into beautiful creations and a flair for sharing valuable insights about running a successful crochet business, Alison embodies the perfect blend of creativity and practicality.

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Bundle of Joy – The Baby Shop

Many years ago my husband and I owned a baby shop called “Bundle of Joy”.

We sold prams, buggies, bottles, cots, baby clothes, blankets and a million other goodies that a baby needs.

As I was a crocheter I started to create baby blankets to sell in the store.

They did well.

I made crochet baby blankies in white, pink and blue. But never pink and blue together in one blanket.

I made granny squared ones and row on row ones. it was a perfect time of running a business and crocheting at the same time.

I then tried baby yellow and baby green blankets. But they never sold. I could only sell pink or blue blankets.

Our shop attracted customers who were grannies, aunts and mothers of new babies. Over time we got to know the clientele and they would pop in to say “hello” when the went for their groceries at the supermarket in the mall.

During our time at the baby store we were lucky enough to welcome our own bundle of joy and our daughter was born.FullSizeRender 4

So we had a real live baby prop in the store and this too attracted customers.

They would come into our shop and ask, “Do you only have pink or blue blankets?”

To which I responded, “How about this lovely baby mint green or pale lemon?”

Everyone then said, “Oh, I’ll take the pink for my new daughter,” or, “I’ll take the blue because my baby is a boy.”

So even though we could offer a selection of colors, the customers only ever bought the two traditional colours of baby pink and baby blue blankets.

Moms want to clearly define the sex of their baby. If anyone sees a pink or blue blanket in a buggy or pram it is immediately clear that the child is a boy or girl.FullSizeRender 5

In the three years we had the shops we never sold a yellow or a green blanket but, by having them as a selection to offer our customers, the awkward colored yellow and green blankets helped us sell the pink and blue ones, by them being offered as a choice to our customers.

You can read more on the meaning of coloursselecting colours for your crochet work and soft furnishings.

Active Income and Passive Income

by Alison Stapleton

Let’s Look at Types of Income

If you have a day job it means you have an active income like making kids clothes.

money tree

Your Money Tree

A passive income is one that brings in income whilst you sleep. It is something you set up and then it continues to generate income by itself.

A passive income will pay in even after you are dead.

Eventually you want your passive income to out strip your active income.

So you can be free from your day job.

Examples of Active Income

  • Working for someone else and getting paid.
  • Working two or three jobs and getting paid.
  • Being paid by the hour for whatever you do.
  • Crafting crochet hats, barefoot sandals or sweatpants and getting paid.

Example of Passive Income

My strongest stream of passive income comes from eBooks and writing.

Selling eBooks online or from your site. People can buy an ebook at anytime of the day or night even when you are asleep, thus passive income.

I started with eBooks in 2012.

It took me six months to write the first one for a course I was already teaching so I had the info on the page. I just had to get it into an ebook.

This takes time.


Smashwords is an ebook creator and will take mainly text booked and format them to sell on all the platforms.

The only thing is as its is an American company you get caught with withholding tax at a rate of 48%. This cuts into profits. But you get better exposure.

Enter the PDF ebook and eJunkie

Since 2014 I have been selling PDF eBooks as immediate downloads and these eBooks are full of charts and images.

Don’t kid yourself the income is slow but constant.

In the first year I sold 24 books and in the third year 187. Still small potatoes but at $2.99 each it still counts as income.

In 2015 and 2016 I wrote and published two more eBooks and things have slowly turned around.

Income from my eBooks is now at around $20 per month and that is one of my income streams.

A passive income stream.



Micro Business Ideas that You can Start Today

by Alison Stapleton

Here are some ideas for your micro business

Many people share the dream to have their own little business which will make a bit of money and through the actual art or craft involved will satisfy their creative urges and needs.

micro business that you run from your home, or on the go from your virtual office, will typically fall into one of five main categories:

  1. Craft – Crochet, knit, sew, bake, art
  2. Writing and editing
  3. New age skills
  4. Personal services
  5. Selling digital products

You may do more than one activity and some will appeal to you straight away.

You have to be realistic. Clearly if you are not a hairdresser you can’t cut hair as a micro business. But if you can crochet then you can make crochet your micro business.

Craft and Handiwork

If you can do any of the crafts in the list below then you can sell your items at flea markets and wholesale to shops.

  • Knitter
  • Crocheter
  • Artist – painter
  • Wood worker – bird houses
  • Cookie baker
  • Sandwich maker
  • Dressmaker
  • Artist – fibre
  • Jewelry maker
  • Candle maker
  • Candlestick maker

Writing and Editing

If you can write compelling copy you could turn your hand (or your pen) to one or two activities and projects on this list.

  • Write feature articles
  • Write patterns – knit and crochet
  • Write stories and memoir
  • Write “how to” articles
  • Write recipes
  • Travel writer
  • Horoscope writer
  • Cooking writer
  • Restaurant critic
  • Stringer
  • Novelist
  • Author
  • Poet
  • Lyricist
  • Local ad newsletter (selling ad space in the coffee news)

New age services in your home

If you have skills in the New Age professions as listed here you could easily start a micro business or practice in one of them.

  • Astrologer
  • Palmist
  • Tarot reader
  • Reiki master
  • Clairvoyant
  • Crystal ball reader
  • Tea leaf reader
  • Runes reader
  • Numerologist

Personal services

This list is slightly more skilled and maybe you did go to hairdresser school years ago and if so you can dust off your scissors and start your micro business right now.

  • Hairdresser
  • Dressmaker
  • Manicurist
  • Makeup artist
  • Bookkeeper
  • Personal trainer
  • Garden lady

Things to sell online – digital items

Selling digital downloads online does need you to have some skills in computers and a bit of writing but is can be done. Make sure you write about a topic that interests you and your passion for the subject will come through the words.

  • Worksheets “how-to” ideas
  • Ebooks
  • Webinars
  • Videos classes on YouTube
  • Copy writing and editing services
  • Resume writing
  • Form filling in for non English speakers
  • Blogger – Adwords
  • Images – info graphics

Not all will appeal to everyone. If you can be quite clear on what you can do and what you can’t do then that makes the choice easier.

Know your limitations

Most people can fry an egg but that doesn’t mean you can be the cookie baker for a vegetarian deli down the street.

It can be seductive to fall into the trap of doing something that you are nearly good at (like baking). If you are not passionate about the thing then dismiss it as an option for you.

If your sister-in-law knows a dahlia from a dandelion and can weed gardens that doesn’t mean you can too.

Back to your notebook. Draw three columns titled, “Yes I can”, “No I can’t” and “Maybe I could.”

Take the list above and write five options in each column.

This will make your choices clearer.


The Sewing Lady

by Lynn King

imagesKate sewed. She loved sewing.

She made sweat pants for the six month to two year age group.

She sewed up her samples and took orders from her friends and a small order from local kids clothing shop.

It was small potatoes but she kept going. She enjoyed working with her hands.

Kate was retired and had the time to give to her sewing. She only sat at her machine in the day and only when the light was good. She started sewing at 10am and worked until 3pm each day from Monday to Friday.

At first she sewed in the colour and with the cloth she liked. As time went on she took orders for ten blue and ten red sweat pants. these were the popular colours for the pants.

The sweet spot

By buying the cloth in bulk (and getting a little discount from the draper), and making ten blue and red size small, all in one sitting she reached her sweet spot where she could not be any more efficient.

At this stage she could make 19 pants a week. This was not that many really but more than she made as a hobby.

This was how her production was; cutting out on Monday, sewing the main seams on Tuesday, finishing off the garments on Wednesday, pressing the pants on Thursday and packaging and posting her finished items on Friday.

Week in and week out.

It was a case of no work and no pay.

Full production

Now whilst this is good in the short term (six months) there comes a time when you can’t keep up with the orders.

The kid’s shop that took ten a week had a branch in another city and wanted ten for that shop as well.

What to do?

If Kate got sick she couldn’t sew.

She was turning over $40 and making $160 each week at full tilt.

But 19 was all she could make. She could only make nineteen sweatpants a week. If she took a day off she made less money.

Time and money

The realization eventually came to her that she could never make more money – only make less.

That no matter how hard she tried there was a physical limit to how much she could do each week and it all depended on her doing it.

With no one else to help and no more time she could do no more and earn no more money.

And, the sweat pants kept her so busy she couldn’t do the creative wrk that had drawn her to sewing in the first place.

The challenge

It is a challenge faced by many crafters between earning some money, which is important, and being creative and enjoying what you do.

This is known as piece work when you are paid by the item. If there are no items to sell there is no pay for you.

But piecework is an entry into having an independent micro business and this is what attracts many people every year – freedom.

Piecework has its place and can be sustained indefinitely. It is what I recommend to crafters to get them going. Take the plunge and put you crafts out there.

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